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Saving for Retirement

Hey everyone, Sam The Saver here. Not my real name, but I sure do like to save! I’ve been a saver my whole life so I’m here to share a few tips and help others along the way!

I recently read an article that said millennial’s have little to nothing saved! Now i know this isn’t everyone, but it was a vast majority from the survey. So I thought I would share some tips to help others get on the right track!

Now, lets start with where you should be. 

*Salary growing at 3% a year*
**Retirement being any account you can use
(checking, savings, 401k, Roth IRA, IRA, ESOP, SEP, stock market accounts)**

Let’s say your 25, live in Massachusetts and make $75,000 a year, this is a projection of how you should save for retirement.

It may seem daunting, but when you break it down it’s about $262/week or 18% of your salary.

Typically I try to follow this model, so at 18% there is a little to catch up on.

Now if all of this is overwhelming contact me or take a look at some helpful links for a place to start!

Once we have a base budget and are saving we can talk about goals and saving more!